Turn your Ideas into Empires

The 1 Click Solution for Intellectual Property Protection 

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Your Intellectual property is NOW the most valuable part

of your business, book, and brand. Thieves know this, so does AI.


According to the United Patent and Trademark Office, the worldwide sales of counterfeit and pirated goods total $1.7 - $4.5 trillion annually.


This crime happens every day.
Don't be the next victim.

Click the Button Below to Purchase Instant IP™ and Start Protecting Your Ideas Today.

Experience the Peace of IP Protection so you have the Confidence to Keep on Creating.

Turn your Ideas into Empires

The 1 Click Solution for Intellectual Property Protection 

Traditional ways of protecting intellectual property

takes too much time and costs too much money

Turn your Ideas into Empires

The 1 Click Solution for Intellectual Property Protection 

My name is Kary Oberbrunner.

I know what it feels like to have IP stolen because it happened to me.

This is why I created Instant IP, to help people like us.

TEDxOshkosh image courtesy Weston Imaging Group.



“Start getting in the habit of using the smart contract, Instant IP™, just to document your creativity. The moment you start recording it, you start taking it seriously.”

 – Dan Sullivan


“Instant IP™ is a great entry point to protect the things you have.”

 – Keegan Caldwell, Founder of Caldwell Law



Turn your Ideas into Empires

The 1 Click Solution for Intellectual Property Protection 


Instant IP™ is for brands, businesses, entrepreneurs, owners, and creators.


Instant IP™ is the blockchain-based, smart contract solution.


Instant IP™ is IP protection that's faster, cheaper, and easier.

Traditional IP  Protection Costs Too Much Time and Money For Many People

Our new world requires a new way of protecting Intellectual Property that's faster, easier, and cheaper.


In our parents and grandparents day, tangible assets held the most value. This means buildings, land, and supplies. Look no further than the S&P 500 index which reflects the value of many of the largest companies in the United States.*

In 1975, 83% of assets were tangible. But times have changed. In 2020, only 10% of the assets were tangible.** The other 90% were intangible, meaning intellectual property. The Digital Age favors a Creator Economy. This means the most value related to your books, businesses, and brands is your Intellectual Property. 

* The Standard and Poor’s 500, or simply the S&P 500, is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices. 
** Visual Capitalist. November 12, 2020. 

Intellectual Property Is
The Most Valuable Asset

In our parents and grandparents day, tangible assets held the most value. This means buildings, land, and supplies. Look no further than the S&P 500 index which reflects the value of many of the largest companies in the United States.*

In 1975, 83% of assets were tangible. But times have changed. In 2020, only 10% of the assets were tangible.** The other 90% were intangible, meaning intellectual property. The Digital Age favors a Creator Economy. This means the most value related to your books, businesses, and brands is your Intellectual Property. 

* The Standard and Poor’s 500, or simply the S&P 500, is a stock market index tracking the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices. 
** Visual Capitalist. November 12, 2020. 

What about Patents?

Patents provide protection and they make sense in certain cases like when you want to take infringers to court, borrow money against your patent portfolio, or increase valuation when you sell your company. (Sue. Borrow. Sell.)

Instant IP™ is patented. Why? Because, someday we might sell the company. However, our CEO and founder Kary Oberbrunner uses Instant IP™ to protect all of his other Intellectual Property.

Patents have they're drawbacks. They're expensive (average $30,000) and take a long time (average 1-3 years). According to the USPTO patents have a first-time rejection rate of more than 85%.* 

 * Michael Carley, Deepak Hegde, and Alan Marco, “What is the Probability of Receiving a U.S. Patent”, 17 Yale J.L. & Tech. 203 (2015).

Blockchain Provides Many Benefits



Blockchain is a digital system in which a record of data is maintained across several computers that are linked in a peer-to-peer network.

These computers, called nodes, check and save data, unlike traditional methods that keep data in one central location. Information on a blockchain is grouped into blocks, which are linked together as more data is added.

Blockchain is a public, digital, ledger. Think of it as a distributed record that everyone can see, but nobody can edit. It's incredibly secure.

Turn your Ideas into Empires

The 1 Click Solution for Intellectual Property Protection 


Smart Contacts are “timestamped” information stored on the Blockchain. They can never be tampered with or changed. Through our proprietary patented process called Instant IP™ we turn your intellectual property into a digital asset. This “global protection” validates you as the owner.

Smart contracts are superior because they’re immutable and unchanging. This means bad actors cannot change the “timestamp” (first use) because it’s permanently captured on the blockchain.

NOTE: We only protect your Intellectual Property. If you submit Intellectual Property that you do not own, you will be legally responsible.

Smart Contracts are Recognized Worldwide

Smart contracts are the way of the future. Currently states and countries recognize this technology and favor it because of the many benefits listed below. Experts believe soon all transactions will be done via smart contracts.

(Example include: marriage licenses, real estate deeds, vehicle titles, academic diplomas, business agreements, etc.)


In the Spotlight: Instant IP and Kary Oberbrunner
by BSV Blockchain

As technologies such as Artificial Intelligence gain momentum, it has become increasingly important to protect your ideas from wayward actors. Enter Instant IP and its blockchain solution.

IP in Web3: Kary Oberbrunner talks intellectual property protection

by COINGEEK (London)

Intellectual property (IP) is a thorny business. Most would recognize it as an entirely necessary institution within a capitalist society and the key to ensuring that innovation is sufficiently rewarded to encourage more of it. However, while IP promotes and protects innovation, it necessarily fetters and restricts it on the other hand. IP belonging to one inventor will inevitably narrow the field, even if only slightly, for future innovators.

Decades of legal dicta and academia have covered this tension well. However, as more aspects of the physical world become digitized and the volumes of data being produced and exploited grow exponentially over the years, new means of protecting IP will arise. As such, the topic demands renewed attention.

Enter Kary Oberbrunner, CEO of Instant IP. Oberbrunner is a bestselling author and IP stalwart within the Web3 space, helping authors and entrepreneurs protect the intellectual fruits of their labor...

The Sooner You Take Your IP Seriously,

The Sooner People Take You Seriously